Monday, July 15, 2013
Dating Rules for Women who Don't need dating rules!
I adore this, and so will you:
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
You need to love yourself first before you truly love anyone else.
We've all heard this saying. "You need to love yourself before you can ever really love anyone else." And some people don't believe it. I used to be one of those people. And boy, was I wrong.
So here I am today. Starting all over again. But that's ok. I got lost in love - and it wasn't love for myself. I let myself go and I hadn't felt right for a long time. So now I'm on a new self discovery journey trying to create balance in my life. Since blogging had helped me immensely in the past, I will continue to write and connect with others going through this same process. It's personal but I believe that sharing this information connects us all at some level. So here's to radical self love!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Products that help you get ready in half the time
We all love a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning. Especially when those minutes can add up to an extra half or even, gasp, a FULL HOUR of extra zzz time. We try to find ways to do things quicker or what every restaurant job likes to call "consolidating your steps". So while in the shower today, I came up with a list of products that will do just that for you. These are all products that I have used many a sleepless night & have been my saving grace...
A Full Coverage Tinted Moisturizer
For us gals that suffer from acne or are prone to redness, we need something a bit more heavy in the coverage department. Instead of washing your face and following it up with your facial mositurizer, just put on a great tinted one instead. This way it cuts out the step of waiting for your normal moisturizer to soak in before you put on your face makeup.
Department Store: Clinique Moisture Surge Tinted Moisturizer SPF 15
Drugstore: Wet n Wild Ultimate Sheer Tinted Moisturizer
Makeup Removing Face Wash
For when you sleep with your makeup on by accident or at night when your too tired to do the usual two step process of using makeup remover followed by your regular face wash. A dual action makeup removing facewash will clean out your pores and does not burn your eyes if you rub the soap over them.
Department Store: Philosophy Purity Made Simple One-Step Facial Cleanser
Drugstore: Neutrogena Naturals Fresh Cleansing + Makeup Remover
Body oil or Solid Lotion Bars
Solid moisturizing body lotion bars are god sent. At first glance, I was skeptical on whether or not they would work because the concept was so new to me. When you are ready to get out of the shower and your skin is still wet, smooth the bar over your wet skin and then towel off. And Body oil, when applied right out of the shower and very liberally, will soak into your skin instantly. I have been using Neutrogena Body Oil since I was 12 because of how great it works and how little you have to use on the skin. Just three drops in your hand is enough to cover one arm, shoulder, and your neck.
Department Store: Lush King of Skin Body Butter
Drugstore: Neutrogena Body Oil, Light Sesame Formula
Good shavers
As appealing as a pack of 100 shavers for $10 sounds, you risk getting cuts and leaving behind hairy patches on your ankles. If you invest in a 3+ blade razor, you will get a closer shave and not have to go over the same section relentlessly.
More Expensive:Gillette Venus ProSkin Razor
Less Expensive:Bic Soleil Twilight Disposable Razors
Mositurizing Self Tanner - Palmers Cocoa Butter Bronze Sunless Tanner is the lone wolf in this catagory because I have yet to find a moisturizing self tanner better than this one. It smells like coconut, smooths over the skin perfectly, and has an instant bronzer so you can see where you're putting it. The fact that it doesn't smell AT ALL like a self tanner is a major plus for me. And it's DIRT CHEAP!
Dry Shampoo - TIGI Rockaholic Dirty Secret Dry Shampoo is a neccesity of your have oily or colored hair. I'm obsessed! It isn't neccessary to wash our hair every day, so a spray of this good smelling dry shampoo to the root will keep you feeling clean, whilst giving you a bit more volume too.
If you have any products that do double in a short ammount of time for you, please comment with them so I can add them to my repitore as well!
A Full Coverage Tinted Moisturizer

For us gals that suffer from acne or are prone to redness, we need something a bit more heavy in the coverage department. Instead of washing your face and following it up with your facial mositurizer, just put on a great tinted one instead. This way it cuts out the step of waiting for your normal moisturizer to soak in before you put on your face makeup.
Drugstore: Wet n Wild Ultimate Sheer Tinted Moisturizer
Makeup Removing Face Wash

For when you sleep with your makeup on by accident or at night when your too tired to do the usual two step process of using makeup remover followed by your regular face wash. A dual action makeup removing facewash will clean out your pores and does not burn your eyes if you rub the soap over them.
Drugstore: Neutrogena Naturals Fresh Cleansing + Makeup Remover
Body oil or Solid Lotion Bars

Solid moisturizing body lotion bars are god sent. At first glance, I was skeptical on whether or not they would work because the concept was so new to me. When you are ready to get out of the shower and your skin is still wet, smooth the bar over your wet skin and then towel off. And Body oil, when applied right out of the shower and very liberally, will soak into your skin instantly. I have been using Neutrogena Body Oil since I was 12 because of how great it works and how little you have to use on the skin. Just three drops in your hand is enough to cover one arm, shoulder, and your neck.
Drugstore: Neutrogena Body Oil, Light Sesame Formula
Good shavers

As appealing as a pack of 100 shavers for $10 sounds, you risk getting cuts and leaving behind hairy patches on your ankles. If you invest in a 3+ blade razor, you will get a closer shave and not have to go over the same section relentlessly.
Less Expensive:Bic Soleil Twilight Disposable Razors
Mositurizing Self Tanner - Palmers Cocoa Butter Bronze Sunless Tanner is the lone wolf in this catagory because I have yet to find a moisturizing self tanner better than this one. It smells like coconut, smooths over the skin perfectly, and has an instant bronzer so you can see where you're putting it. The fact that it doesn't smell AT ALL like a self tanner is a major plus for me. And it's DIRT CHEAP!
Dry Shampoo - TIGI Rockaholic Dirty Secret Dry Shampoo is a neccesity of your have oily or colored hair. I'm obsessed! It isn't neccessary to wash our hair every day, so a spray of this good smelling dry shampoo to the root will keep you feeling clean, whilst giving you a bit more volume too.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Falling in love
When life gets hectic, we tend to push aside the things we truly enjoy (reading a good book, hanging out with loved ones, etc.) which is why I have been MIA from the blogging world. I really love to write post that may inspire at least one precious heart and it gives me great pleasure in giving people an insight into why I feel the way I do about certain things. Today's topic is falling in love.
Love is something else. Every musical artist under the sun has written songs about it. If they haven't written a love song, they've written a song about heartbreak which sometimes go hand in hand. We can't help what or who we fall in love with and when it happens, it takes over your entire being. You change. But when it's true love, you won't have to sacrifice anything that gives you self satisfaction. If you've ever had a pet that was part of your family, you'll understand exactly what I mean. That is unconditional love in which you do not need to give up other things you love in order to obtain. You can be your quirky, moody, crazy, beautiful self and still feel the love.
I used to go through an unfortunate cycle when it came to finding love for myself. I would date someone, fall completely head over heels for them, only to get my heart torn up when it would end. After one specific break up, I decided to change all that and decide that the next person I would fall in love with would be myself! I was single for a very long time and loved every minute of it! When most people are single they deem themselves as "unwanted". This is the most foolish thing you can think of yourself! Single Nikki met more interesting people then relationship Nikki ever did. Because when you get in the wrong relationship, you surround yourself with the other person and don't want to explore your surroundings. Maybe it's out of fear or content. You don't want to upset the other person. When it is the right person, you will never feel restricted. But why wait around for all of that? Just by falling in love with yourself, you will see positive changes in your life!
Since the beginning of my undying courtship to myself, I have:
♥ Started doing makeup professionally and found out that it is what I truly love to do
♥ Got my cosmetology license
♥ Explored every inch of Manhattan (and ate some great pizza along the way)
♥ Traveled to Miami and Los Angeles for the only purpose of experiencing new surroundings
♥ Inspired others to reach inside their soul and do what truly makes them happy in order to get that amazing self satisfying high.
♥ Let myself get photographed professionally (something I NEVER felt comfortable with before!)
I always believe that God creates every situation in our life, good and bad. He would have never put us on this beautiful life if he wanted us to fail. So if you are feeling alone, know that you never are and that there is a whole big world waiting out there just for you. You don't need anyones permission to do what you feel is right in your heart.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Preparation H... on my face?
There are so many different products out there on the market that promise you to erase wrinkles over night or eliminate the appearance of large pores. About $300 and dozens of small sample containers later, we realize that we've been gypped! Here are three products that have been tested and guaranteed to help reduce imperfections and leave with extra cash in your wallet.
Pepto Bismol brightens your skin. One product that has gained popularity in the last few years is foundation primer. It is said to smooth out the skin and make the appearance of foundation look more natural. These primers usually range in prices, topping of at almost $40 for a mere 2 ounces. Most people have complained that the thick consistency of these products has clogged their pores. A better alternative? Pepto Bismol, the stomach soother. After you cleanse your face, apply a light layer of this little known visage beautifier and let it sit for about a minute. Wash off with warm water, pat your face dry, and follow it up with a foundation or tinted moisturizer. It leaves a very, very slight pink hue to your skin that will gleam through the foundation giving you a nice, healthy glow. I've done this trick plenty of times before weddings or any daytime event where my face needs a quick pick me up!
Preparation H reduces eye puffiness. This is an old trick that has been around for ages. Many believe that Preparation H tightens up the loose skin that is created from under eye bags. This is true, but it should only be used in moderation. There is a small amount of an ingredient in Preparation H called Phenylephrine. Phenylephrine restricts the blood vessels which in return reduces the puffiness. This is not an everyday fix and must only be done a couple of times a week. Studies have shown that Phenylephrine, if used on a constant basis, can cause headaches. Celebs use this trick too. Christina Ricci has said before, "Preparation H is the best thing for swollen eyes. I keep it in the fridge because it works best cold."
Exfoliate with baking soda. By adding a dime size amount of baking soda to your current face wash, it can do wonders for acne prone skin. It sloughs off all makeup buildup and excess oils while leaving your skin feeling rejuvenated and clean. Make sure to avoid the eye area when using baking soda and be kind to your face by rubbing in light, circular motions.
Do any of you have any quirky skin, hair, or makeup tricks that you've always done? Please share!
Pepto Bismol brightens your skin. One product that has gained popularity in the last few years is foundation primer. It is said to smooth out the skin and make the appearance of foundation look more natural. These primers usually range in prices, topping of at almost $40 for a mere 2 ounces. Most people have complained that the thick consistency of these products has clogged their pores. A better alternative? Pepto Bismol, the stomach soother. After you cleanse your face, apply a light layer of this little known visage beautifier and let it sit for about a minute. Wash off with warm water, pat your face dry, and follow it up with a foundation or tinted moisturizer. It leaves a very, very slight pink hue to your skin that will gleam through the foundation giving you a nice, healthy glow. I've done this trick plenty of times before weddings or any daytime event where my face needs a quick pick me up!
Preparation H reduces eye puffiness. This is an old trick that has been around for ages. Many believe that Preparation H tightens up the loose skin that is created from under eye bags. This is true, but it should only be used in moderation. There is a small amount of an ingredient in Preparation H called Phenylephrine. Phenylephrine restricts the blood vessels which in return reduces the puffiness. This is not an everyday fix and must only be done a couple of times a week. Studies have shown that Phenylephrine, if used on a constant basis, can cause headaches. Celebs use this trick too. Christina Ricci has said before, "Preparation H is the best thing for swollen eyes. I keep it in the fridge because it works best cold."
Exfoliate with baking soda. By adding a dime size amount of baking soda to your current face wash, it can do wonders for acne prone skin. It sloughs off all makeup buildup and excess oils while leaving your skin feeling rejuvenated and clean. Make sure to avoid the eye area when using baking soda and be kind to your face by rubbing in light, circular motions.
Do any of you have any quirky skin, hair, or makeup tricks that you've always done? Please share!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Why Your Mineral Makeup Isn't as safe as you think...

I wrote this article a year or so ago and I just found it. Since spring is pretty much here already, a lot of you fab gals all switching to mineral makeup to "let your skin breathe". But please read on to decided whether or not mineral makeup really is for you.
Mineral makeup has been on the market for quite a few years now. Many companies boast that their makeup is so pure you can sleep in it. Is that really true though? Is mineral makeup just like wearing nothing at all? What exactly do we know about mineral makeup? I've debunked a few of these myths for you to help you balance out the pro's and con's of these products.
MYTH #1: It is so light, you can sleep with it and it won't harm your skin.
FACT: It's light and effortless feel is what has been the appeal for this makeup for so long. Customers think that because it is so light to apply, it will not settle in the pores like other foundations and concealers do. Any dermatologist will advise against sleeping in any kind of makeup, as it clogs pores and can cause skin irritation. This includes sleeping in mineral makeup. The makeup contains color pigment that settles into your skin just like any other type of formula.
MYTH #2: Mineral makeup clears up acne and blemishes.
FACT: Acne is caused by many factors such as hormones and diet. Mineral makeup does, however, contain anti-irritating ingredients in it such as zinc which can be soothing to the skin. So although it does not clear acne, it can calm the redness and inflammation better than foundations that do not contain any anti-irritating agents.
MYTH #3: Most Mineral makeup contains SPF which blocks your face from harsh UV Rays, therefore it is ok to just wear that on my face when I am outside.
FACT: Although they do contain SPF, it is not certain on how much of this mineral makeup you would need to apply to get the full sun protection factor. Never rely on just the SPF in your mineral makeup to keep your face completely safe from the sun. If you plan on being outdoors, layer your face starting with a sunscreen with at least SPF 25 and then apply your mineral foundation on top of that. Those sun rays are strong and can penetrate even through the thickest of makeup.
Mineral makeup contains very similar ingredients to that of the cosmetics that have been on the market for years. The powder formula makes it much easier to apply for the gal on the go, but it doesn't last as long as some liquid or cream foundations which even contain a face primer, depending on the brand. I still give mineral foundation an A++ for convenience and effortless use. But as far as if it is better or worse for your skin, the answer is the same for any other liquid, cream, or powder foundation.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Baby, you're a firework!!
Getting crafty in 2012!
Happy New Year everyone! At any point in your life, you can decide to change things. Most people use New Years Day as a kick start into changing our old ways. And I'm here to wish all the happiness, joy, and encouragement to you in this fabulous year because I know that you'll be able to change whatever it is that's got you down. If no one is there to tell you, "You can do it!", hear my voice cheering you on and believing in you. If we are sure of ourselves and we have support, anything is possible in this amazing world. My new years resolution is to not be so afraid anymore - afraid of making mayjor life decisions, afraid of saying how I feel, and the biggest one - afraid of CHANGE. What is your resolution?
♥ A great tool in helping you achieve all of your goals and aspirations is to make your very own dream board. You can do it online, or the poster board way (which is much more effective for me)
♥ Sometimes the sign that you are looking for is already right in front of you.
♥ Feathers are all the rage now, so why not try this fabulous site to create your own earrings. They have so many fun patterns!
♥ Whose ready to hop on a jet with me and party at this Candyland inspired nightclub?
♥ If you share the love of abandoned buildings with me, then you'll really like seeing some of the most amazing abandoned amusement parks.
♥ Yoga is my equilvalent to eating a huge bowl of the best ice cream in the world. If you haven't tried it yet, read Top 10 Reasons Not to Do Yoga.
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