Less than 24 hours until trick-or-treat time! Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. Dressing up scary/silly/sexy, it's all so much fun. This year I saw some really cute baby costumes. Though I don't have any babies, I definitely got some good ideas for when I do start popping them out. Here are two costumes that I couldn't resist... my mom even bought one so that she could pack it away for when I have a baby! Sounds crazy, but that's my mama for ya!

Baby ice cream cone! How stinkin' cute is that?!! I was laughing so hard when I saw it in the store.

He'll be the baddest, meanest, Hulk baby on the block! I'm obsessed with Hulk and the fact that there is a baby costume... can't get much better than this. Now if only there were a Hello Kitty costume for a girl.... I always thought I'd have a baby boy, I never even thought about girl costumes!
What are you dressing up as this Halloween? Post up some pictures and have a very happy Halloween and tons of fun!