*First off, I'd like to start by saying I am not a reporter. As fun as it would be, I just don't have that Diane Sawyer-like quality. I like to get in and get out at big events, getting as much info as I can in a small ammount of time. Maybe it is my anxiety, who knows, but I'm just a lil-ol' beauty blogger trying to bring up to date beauty news to you beautiful internet folk =) I don't have one of those fancy camera that take big, HD images. I have my little red Nikon Coolpix that seems to work for me just fine! Having said that, here is my documentation on Nordstrom's Beauty Bash Event for their grand opening this past Friday, April 8th.*
There were easily over 3,000 people in attendance which was a shock to me seeing as how the event started at 8am! The event was catered with doughnuts, coffee, and big-ol jugs of milk in order to wake the public up. And if food didn't work, a DJ was live at the event spinning the current top 40 dance tracks. Everyone was wide awake, some people even dancing! The female emcee of the day was doing a wonderful job pumping up the crowd.
It was great to see all of the enthusiastic workers gathering customers and placing them at one of the several pop up makeup stations. Such brands in attendance were La Mer, Laura Mercier (who btw makes the best foundations for full coverage I've ever used!), MAC, Marc Jacobs, and Nars to name a few. I interviewed fellow MUA Shanell Green from Nars in order to find out what her thoughts and feelings were about the upcoming trends and if she had any makeup tips she was willing to dish out. You can view the interview at my Wilmington Examiner site by clicking here.
The morning went by so fast and I got to meet so many wonderful people! Delaware Fashion Blogger, Leslie Eugene was in attendance as well so stay posted for what she thought about the event. I got sample galore and I can't wait to see which seem to work the best. I picked up Philosophy's "Help Me" retinol nighttime cream because of all the amazing things I've heard about it. I have a few small dark spots on my face that I can thank the Jersey Shore and my immature ignorance to SPF when I was younger for. I've read so many reviews on "Help Me" that I just had to give it a go! Not only does it fade the the spots, but it also fills in fine lines and softens skin all around. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this "Fountain of Youth" promised product =)
Have a wonderful weekend and next stop on the Nikki makeup train - the 2011 IMATS in New York this Sunday. Super excited!!
P.s. Does anyone have $10,000 lying around so I can buy these boots? Absolutely fabulous!
oh wow! You mentioned me on the blog :) Good post. Make sure you keep in touch with me on any local events so we can double team :) ttys